Thursday, July 20, 2017

Scenes From A Thrilling Afternoon On Amazon's New Social Network, Spark

On Tuesday, Amazon introduced a new social network called Spark.

Spark is an Instagram competitor, with a commerce-y twist!

Amazon says Spark "makes it easy to discover—and shop—stories and ideas from a community that likes what you like." The idea is to make it easier to move from talking about products in a social feed, to buying them.

We here at BuzzFeed News are always interested in what's hot and new in the social space, so we took Spark for a spin yesterday.

Inside Spark, we found lots of great stuff. There were some wonderful fashion tips:

Along with stunning home appliance photography:

Look at this pan. Wow.

Spark also has polls to help you make tricky purchase decisions. Check out this jaw-dropping functionality:

The social network is filled with thought-provoking questions.

The social network is filled with thought-provoking questions.

Like Instagram, Spark even has its own influencers. Meet Diego L.

Looking good, Diego L.

As Diego L. demonstrates, Spark has a good amount of sponsored content, like any top tier social network.

People discover amazing things when brands pay them to do it. And now you can be part of that discovery.

Here's a picture of a chair on Spark:

And here's a picture of a fan:

Here's a picture of a coffee mug on a boat on Spark.

And some shoeboxes.

And some shoeboxes.

There are some genuinely good pictures on Spark. Like this dog in a kitchen.

And this travel photo that is nice but doesn't really fit in.

Hey Jeff Bezos, I really like your new social network. Did I mention you look ripped lately? Please don't hurt me.

from BuzzFeed - Tech

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