Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Trump Claims Google Suppressed Bad News About Hillary Clinton

Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday claimed Google's search engine was biased in burying bad news about his rival Hillary Clinton.

Trump made the comment at a rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa, after mentioning a Google poll, which he said he was leading "despite the fact that Google's search engine was suppressing the bad news about Hillary Clinton. How about that."

Trump did not elaborate on what "bad news" he believed was being suppressed, though he typically appends "crooked" to Clinton's first name and has made her private email server a central talking point of his campaign.

Google did not immediately respond to a BuzzFeed News request for comment on the Republican nominee's latest allegation.

Though his claim that Google stacked the deck against him appears to be new, Trump has also repeatedly complained that the electoral system is, or could be, "rigged" against him. This summer he repeatedly warned of voter fraud, and put out a call for "observers" to watch polling places and safeguard against cheating.

After Monday's debate, Trump also claimed that his microphone was faulty and speculated that the alleged problem could have been intentional.

LINK: Trump Seeks Volunteer “Observers” To Stop Clinton From “Rigging” The Election

LINK: Trump Defends His “Rigged” Election Claim: “I Just Hear Things, And I Just Feel It”

from BuzzFeed - Tech

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