Wednesday, July 27, 2016

People Are Mad Hillary Was Left Off Some Front Pages After Making History

On Tuesday night, Hillary Clinton made history, becoming the first woman to claim a major political party's nomination for president of the United States.

It was, by all accounts, a milestone moment for the former first lady and secretary of state, as well as women across the country, but on Wednesday morning one detail was absent from many newspapers: the nominee's picture.

Chicago Tribune / Via

While almost all of the country's major newspapers led with the news of Clinton's nomination, many — including the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, the Buffalo News, and even the Arkansas Democrat Gazette — chose to feature images of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, who gave a lengthy speech last night touting his wife's accomplishments.

Alex Wong / Getty Images

The omission of Hillary on the night where she "put a huge crack in the glass ceiling" left many arguing it was proof of an enduring sexism inside the media and the country at large.

The Wall Street Journal

Alex Wong / Getty Images

The New York Times also did not print Clinton's picture on its A1, but did find room for some of her female supporters.

Though Clinton did not appear in person in Philadelphia on Tuesday, she did greet the crowd at the end of the evening via satellite, providing ample opportunity for newspapers to feature her image from the arena.

Both the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal used the nominee's telepresence appearance on their front pages — although it appears the Journal's early print edition featured an image of Bill instead of Hillary.

The Boston Globe

from BuzzFeed - Tech

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